
Thursday, February 11, 2010


I am a modern day aristocrat, an aristocrat of the 21st century. I spend my days as I please, rotating between rock climbing, kayaking, looking for jobs and socializing. My fare consists of robust ramen feasts and peanut butter platters. I am free at the drop of a hat to join you in a climbing expedition or on a jaunt out of town. If the creeks are swolen with rain I can meet you at the river in record time. I can spend most of a day idly chatting about life. My nights can drift from gathering to gathering.
I am as free as if I were a 4 year old, or the child of an industrialist with a trust fund, yet I am neither. I am a middle class American, with college debt to pay, and an education to use. But I find myself in a limbo land, a purgatory of sorts waiting to be cast into my lot. I am between those with much and with little, I am below the radar. I am floating.
Eventually I will find paying work and join my peers. I will move from the impoverished vagabond, floating with the wind, free of cares and possessions set loose by my poverty. Eventually, I will have responsibilities.
I have been told to enjoy being unemployed, that I will do, nay that I must do. Until otherwise, go see some friends, share a meal, and give someone a place on your couch, it could change your life.

Peace and Love